production Status

Here you will find updates concerning our production status and important news and updates that could impact our production schedule.
Production Resumed. COIVD rules are relaxed. This page will remain for reference.
Covid-19 - Looking After Everyone

Working Under COVID-19 Secure Conditions
Below we have outlined the changes we are making behind theΒ scenes to operate under COVID-19 secureΒ guidelines. As we saidΒ previously, we don’t think youΒ will notice many changes on screen when youΒ watch the show but we want to beΒ transparentΒ with you on the steps we are taking while producing the show over the next few months just in case you notice any changes on screen. This information is also to reassure any futureΒ potential guests about their visit to us.Β
ThisΒ guidance covers both our commercial shoots and privateΒ experiences after consultingΒ officially issuedΒ guidanceΒ and undertaking a risk assessmentΒ of ourΒ facilities.Β
AllΒ guidanceΒ followedΒ is set out by the UK GovernmentΒ underΒ their COVID-19 Secure schemeΒ and advice from The World HealthΒ Organisation.
Traveling To Splat! HQ: We will encourage all guests to use their own transport when makingΒ theirΒ journey to Splat! HQ. We understand this will not be possible for all guests. If they are coming via public transport they will have to follow UK governmentΒ guidelines when using publicΒ transport. We can dispose of their face covering used when they arrive and we will provide them with aΒ replacement face covering for theirΒ return journey. Guests will have to wash their hands as soon as they arrive and will be encouraged throughout theΒ duration of the shoot.Β
Social Distancing: We will maintain social distancing at our shoots where possible but people are free to make their own choices.
Number Of People: Our shootsΒ have always had very few people in attendance. Usually this is just Pete running the shoot. Sometimes James (show co-producer) helps support shoots. This means the number of people in attendance is always low so any risk is minimised. Double shoots can be staged for privateΒ experiences but otherΒ restrictionsΒ apply, which you can read more about below.Β
ShootingΒ Environment: The Splat! Studio will beΒ ventilated at all times with freshΒ outside air. The airflow will be altered to keep the air supply fresh and clean throughout a shoot using ventilation direction by the use of air flow from windows and airΒ condition systems.Β ThereΒ will be dedicated dump bins for guests to place any items of clothing or towels they have used so they areΒ separated andΒ highlighted for cleaning under COVID-19 SecureΒ guidelines.Β
EnhancedΒ Cleaning: We already have aΒ thoroughΒ cleaningΒ regimenΒ in place for our shoots and operations. These will now be altered andΒ enhancedΒ while we operate under COVID-19Β conditions. High touch objects, like doorΒ handles for example, will be cleaned each time they are touched. The bathroom is throughly cleaned after each shoot and will beΒ enhanced during thisΒ period.Β
ProtectiveΒ Equipment: As a precaution, the Splat! production team will wear face coverings at certain points where social distancing is reduced, such as whenΒ gettingΒ guests onΒ theirΒ arrival. Β Our guests can also wear face coverings when they are not filming and we will have plenty to use if they are required. HandΒ sanitiser will beΒ available and handΒ washing will beΒ encouraged throughout the shoots.Β
Clothing: All clothing that is used at a shoot will washed above 60 degreesΒ instead of the usual 30 degrees to ensure this kills any potential virus transmission. Any item of clothing that is touched by our guests will beΒ cleaned, even if they are not used.Β
Personal Cleaning: We willΒ encourage all guests to bring their own personal cleaning items. We will still offer our own, but once used these will be thrown away. Any use of our towels by guests will be washed at 60 degrees to prevent anyΒ potential virus transmission.Β
Monitoring Symptoms: All guests will be subject to our screening when they arrive. This will be a purelyΒ observational screening, so if we notice anyΒ symptoms, even if they areΒ minor, the shoot will not go ahead. We will also be contacting our guests 12 hours before they are due to arrive and encourage them to report to us any symptoms. We will ask if they have had any symptoms within the past 14 days before their Splat! Shoot. We may have toΒ temporarilyΒ delay a shoot if symptoms are reported within this 14 day period.Β
Double Shoots: Private shoots for two people can still go ahead at this time. We will still follow our COVID-19 guidelines but it is yourΒ responsibility to look after your ownΒ safety. So if you choose not to maintain social distancing with your partner then that is fine, but youΒ must maintain social distancingΒ betweenΒ yourselves and the Splat! team. Commercial shoots will beΒ assessed on a case by case basisΒ depending on their background and the guestsΒ relationship.Β
We want to reassure our fans and futureΒ potential guests, commercial or private experiences, that we have taken all theΒ necessaryΒ steps to ensure we areΒ operating in a safe and secure manner while resuming our shooting operations . If you have any questions, please do contact us here today.Β