Q and A’s

⁉ Questions and Answers

Here are some common questions and answers about usΒ 

Questions and Answers

Here you can find selection of the most common questions we get asked. If you have a question for us, please contact us here. Please be aware that any questions we receive may be posted here for others to read. We will not share any identifiable information.

PLEASE NOTE: These questions and answers are generally about the history of the Splat! Show and its background. If you need help, please contact us directly. 

Q: When was the Splat! Show Founded?

A: The Splat! Show was founded in 2003. Back then we were known as Splat! H.Q. The first download was released in 2004. The website was launched with Rob filming the content and Pete dong the website and business duties. Rob left the operation after completing the first season. 

Q: When was Splat! H.Q revamped and changed its name to become The Splat! Show?

A: We relaunched in 2014 and undertook a massive rebrand. This was done after a management change. Pete, the site founder, took full control of the whole operation around 2014. Before this time content produced was done with the co-operation of other individuals who are no longer involved.

Q: Why did the revamp happen?

A: While Pete has always been involved with the site and shoots, he never had full control over the complete operation. This meant that content produced and the direction of the site at the time didn’t really match with Pete’s vision of the website. When Pete took full control of every aspect of the site he was able to bring his vision of what The Splat! Show should be. Also the regulatory landscape changed during the first ten years of operation and action was needed to bring every aspect into line with the changing online environment. For context, we launched before Twitter, YouTube and many other sites. 

Q: What Didn’t Pete like before the revamp?

A: Season One and Season Two Of The Splat! Show is what Pete wanted the Splat! Show to be. After this, production location had to move as Rob stepped down. Pete and Rob shared the same vision and ideas at the time when the site launched. Rob has since launched his own concept which is very similar to The Splat! Show in many aspects. Some of this vision was lost after we had to find a temporary location to shoot at. We found a new producer to run the shoots but the content produced was influenced heavily by this individual. His vision didn’t match with Pete’s vision. We continued as Pete was unable to shoot and produce himself during this time.

While content shot during this time did have some fans, and we are thankful for the producer who worked with us during that time, it is not the vision for the Splat! Show we wanted. When Pete was in a position to shoot himself and become the sole director and producer, we took the opportunity  to rebrand fully and become The Splat! Show. Pete was joined by show co-producer James shortly after the relaunch. He remains with us to this day.  

Q: So what is the vision of The Splat! Show today?

A: The vision for The Splat! Show has always been the same. To bring Gunge Tank and messy games that were popular on mainstream British Television during the 80s, 90s and early 2000s to an online audience. We feel we have now met that brief with the 2014 relaunch. 

Q: Who Is The Splat! Show For?

A: The simple answer is that The Splat! Show is for everyone. We do not judge anyone for their interest in the Splat! Show and the content we produce. Yes, we are fully aware that some of our audience may have a fetish for certain elements featured in our content (we bet you can’t name them all) but you will find this in any content. That instagram post you shared? Yep, there is probably a fetish element in there you don’t know about. It’s down to the individual watching or consuming the content in question and that is their own personal business, not ours. Our content is not created just for these audiences and our content can be enjoyed by anyone.

We do our best to make our content as inclusive as possible and people are free to take whatever they want from our content. 

We produce our content in a careful and respective manner for this website and The Splat! Show brand. We do not produce any X rated or adult content for this website. We did produce content for the adult only market but no longer actively produce this content and was not available on this website and does not carry the Splat! Show brand. 

We produce content that appeals to a wide audience.

Q: How do you recruit new participants to feature in your content?

A: We have changed the way we contact and cast the participants that you see in our content numerous times over the years. We freely admit that during the early years we were a bit naive and didn’t do our best to communicate the full vision and concept of the Splat! Show. We were one of the first outfits to produce content like ours for an online only audience and as such had to learn along the way. 

Today we have a robust casting system in place which is under constant review. All participants are given a ton of information (which you can also read on this website) about the shoots, who may find interest in the content in which they appear and more. They are also required to sign legal documents so we have written proof that we have acted in a responsible manner when casting our participants. We maintain good relationships with all our participants and are free to contact us at anytime. 

We cast our participants from a wide selection of sources. Talent agencies, social media and specialised websites to name a few. 

Q: Have you made any mistakes and do you regret them?

A: We do not believe in regrets. We have made mistakes in the past, because who hasn’t made mistakes? Remember we started this journey in the early days of the internet. We’ve had to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. As soon as we identified any mistakes or missteps, we corrected them or made changes 

Q: What is the one thing you would like viewers and fans of the Splat! Show to know?

A: That a lot of time and effort goes into what we do. What you see on this website is content created by a small passionate and dedicated team. Usually one person, Pete if James (co-producer) cannot attend the shoots. Our goal is always to bring you our best content and while we may fall short on the odd occasion, the time and effort put into each shoot is always 100%.

Creating content could also be considered to be only a small fraction of work that goes into The Splat! Show. Pete also has to manage site updates, casting for new participants and also ensuring the business follows strict regulations to operate legally. 

Q: What is the most challenging aspect of running The Splat! Show?

A: The most challenging aspect of running the site over the past 20 years is people either misunderstanding our content saying that our content is “only” for this audience and saying that we are doing things wrong. We always do our best and the protection and respect of our participants is always our top priority. Over the years there have been a few people who had their own agenda and paint us in the wrong light for whatever reason. These reasons are wrong and will always be wrong. We hide nothing. We can and will never be able to please everyone, but dealing with lies and misinformation about us over the years has been our biggest challenge. If you have a problem with our content, don’t watch. It really is that simple. 

Q: What does the future hold for The Splat! Show?

A: We are always thinking about what is next, or what could be. We like to introduce new games and features in our shows and here on the website. It’s a continual process. As long as we have our fans, The Splat! Show will be around. We have been around for 20 years now. Since we launched we have had new entrants appear as competition and we have outlasted a few of these and we love a bit of completion too! We will always hold our fans and customers in high regard as they are the ones who keep us going. 

Customer / Site Submitted Questions – The Following questions have been submitted to us over the years.

Q: Who would you your top three dream people to have in the Tank?

Pete: This changes all the time. I love when we get someone who has a bit of following online. During the modern internet era, a lot of famous faces are simply famous for being online. It’s good to give our audience a treat whilst introducing their audience to us. We had Katie, who is a YouTuber on recently and she brought a new audience to us. But if we had an unlimited budget I’d love to see the following people on the show: Zac Effron, Tom Daley and Prince Harry! We’d be happy to hear from any of them ha ha!

James: I’ve lost track of what celebs who I used to fancy look like these
days!  I got Gabriel Phoenix in the tank a few times, so yeah I’ve
probably used up one of my β€œdream” quota getting him back.  I think
person 2 would be Chris Hemsworth (we would need a bigger tank…. Oh
and a bigger budget) but damn seeing him in a singlet would…. Anyway
moving onto number 3.  Quite a few people I know in β€œreal” life would
be fun, but I think rather than name them and potentially make them
feel awkward if they find their name on here… gotta be Ncuti Gatwa.
For many MANY reasons.

Q: What do you think makes for a good Splat! Star?

Pete: Splat! Star status is given to a participant who has shot with us for three or more times. So getting to Splat! Star status means they are really liked, or putting it another way, people love seeing them get gunged! What makes a good Splat! Star is a bit of a mystery. Some people just work on screen. If they embrace the wackiness with a smile on his face, then usually their appearances do well. At the end of the day it’s down to how a show performs so it ultimately rests with the customers. 

James: For me, someone who likes talking (monosyllabic answers are a
challenge to expand on in interviews), someone who has a spark of
personality about them and makes me laugh and, most importantly of
all, someone who is middle of the range when it comes to answering
quiz questions. Contrary to popular belief, I do want them to do
well…. Just not TOO well.

Q: Do you ever think “okay, that was a bit cruel?

A: (Pete) I can honestly say no. Not since I’ve been producing anyway. In the older days we used to cover our participants in food…something that we’ve moved away from. For moral reasons (food waste isn’t ok!) for starters. That was a bit cruel, cold and smelly! The participants know what they are signing up for and sometimes our Splat! Storms can be a little overwhelming but at the end of it all, there is always a smile on faces!

James: I’ve done a few of my own private experiences at Splat so played most
of the games/had most things done to me.  I don’t think anything
really gets even remotely close to β€œcruel”… but there have been a few
times when I’ve thought β€œOkay, I’m gonna make sure I get these
questions right!”

Q: Have any participants said “Nope, never going back there again”?

A: (Pete) Nope! Actually, it’s the complete opposite. We usually ask participants if they would want to come back at the end of a shoot, we sometimes ask on camera or off camera, and we’ve only had the answer yes. They could be lying, but if we do ask them to come back for another shoot they nearly always with a resounding yes. If they don’t it’s not because they don’t want to come back, it’s usually something preventing them from coming back. Life stuff for example. 

James: Out of the ones I’ve worked with, none spring to mind.  The only time
it’s ever been a grey area is when they’ve wanted to come back but,
for one reason or another, the travel is an issue.  But I can’t think
of any that have even hinted they don’t ever want to see the tank

Q: How do you classify The Splat! Show…family entertainment or more specialist entertainment?

A: (Pete). As mentioned further up, the content since the relaunch in 2014 and with me in total control I would say it’s entertainment. Some of our shows do contain some (mild) swear words and conversations that are potentially not suitable for all audiences, but that’s it. Our participants don’t wear anything you wouldn’t expect to see a beach. We have been told by fans who’ve come along for a private experience that their kids have watched the show and that is the reason they came along, so they could get gunged for their kids to watch back at home! 

James: Splat is what it is.  I don’t think there’s a precise definition for
it, all depends on how the viewer wants to watch it really.

Q: How do you decide who goes topless / swimwear and who get’s the vests / t-shirts?

A: (Pete). Simple, we simply ask how comfortable they are. We never EVER tell participants they have to wear this or that. We have a very respectful relationship with our participants. 

James: If I get a say in things, I do actually think about how confident the
model seems.  A few, in the past, have actually been a lot less
outgoing than they appeared on camera and these days I’m happier to
get a segment where the model looks more relaxed (ha!) than forcing
them topless (we never force people topless James, we just ask).  However, having said that, if they are confident then
hell, get those pecs out!

Q: What’s the worst thing that’s happened during a shoot?

A: (Pete). I wouldn’t say anything bad has happened at a shoot, these things usually happen during the prep, like when co-producer James was doused in smelly green gunge that had been left to stagnate while we did some work involving pumps. We do have the odd technical issue, but nothing “bad” has ever happened during a shoot I’ve been involved in. 

James: A couple of times we’ve paused the storm because a model needs to wipe
their eyes.  Other than that it’s just the usual things you’d expect,
mostly the tank going off without warning.  Nothing horrendous springs
to mind!

Q: Can we request games / participants for shoots?

A: (Pete) You can, but before you do please know that an idea you may have your head may seem like a good idea. But remember we have to actually turn that idea into a workable and practicable idea. It easier said than done. As for participant request, yeah you can as long as we can contact them. Please note that our time is limited so if you do request something, we will not be able to keep you up to speed on the progress at every step.

James: Of course you can.  You can always request.  Same as I can always
request a loan from the bank.  Doesn’t mean it’ll happen.  But if it’s
a model I like working with and games I like playing, I’ll definitely
do my best to make it happen somehow 😊 

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