Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: April 27th 2024

Available Content Legal Terms

Content Release Status: AllΒ participantsΒ featured on this website have signed a release form and given us legal consent to release material in which they appear on this website and selectΒ third partyΒ partners. Learn more.Β 

Copyright Β© The Splat! Show:Β  Do not repost or share any files you download from us. Seen our content elsewhere?Β Report it.Β  Read more about your legal obligations.

Returns And Refund Policy (Digital Products)

We sell digital products to you (our customers). Please read on for more information about our Returns and Refund Policy regarding our digital products.

Under the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 act, digital downloads are neither goods nor services, meaning the law is a little different compared to physical products and services. 

By downloading any digital content from us you agree to waive the usual 14-day cooling off period at the point you download any items. This means you cannot request a refund after you have done this. You waive this by downloading, or start downloading any digital item from us. 

We can see on our system if you have clicked the download link or not. This proof will be provided to our payment partners if a refund request is raised directly with them. Contact us directly before you enquire about any refund to our payment processor partners.

Please ensure that you actually want to purchase an item before purchasing. We generally do not accept refund requests for items you’ve purchased and downloaded. Remember we can see if you have downloaded an item or not after purchasing. 

All our content is described correctly and is not faulty. If you are having trouble playing any of our content you must contact us so we can help you resolve any issues. If we cannot resolve issues, we will consider a refund request for you.

If someone had access to your account and made the purchase without your consent we may consider a refund request but we will require further information from you and the person who used your account / payment method without your consent. 

We consider all refund requests on a case by case basis. Please note that we will ban access to our website and services if we suspect customers are abusing our Returns and Refunds policy or any of our terms and conditions. Bans are initiated at a IP address level and will not be reversed.

Lost Content And Re-Downloding Terms and Conditions

It is your responsibility to keep the files you download and purchase from this website safe. If you lose content then you may have to purchase them again. We offer a discount to customers who need to re-download any lost content. Please read our Terms and Conditions below.

  • You can request free downloads again within 30 days of your original purchase. We will only re-send downloads if you are having trouble downloading the files after you purchase. After this time you will need to contact us to arrange re-purchasing of any lost content. You do not need to pay full price and are instead offered at a discount.
  • We charge re-downloads at 50% of their usual selling price. For feature length downloads we charge Β£8.25 (usually Β£16.50), Gunge Tank Vote Results Β£3.50 (usually Β£7.00) and Β£4.99 (usually Β£9.99) for Splat! Storms and Splat! Specials.
  • Proof of purchase will be required. 
  • SPECIAL EDTION REDOWNLOAD TERMS AND CONDITIONS:It is not possible to re-download Splat! Special Editions of any show after they become unavailable on the website as these are removed from our server to free up storage space. Please ensure that you keep any special edition downloads safe and backed up. We can only offer re-downloads of standard editions at the re-download prices after the initial free 30 days have passed as outlined above. 
  • Please note that any item you may have purchased during a sale or promotion event will still be offered at the discount prices outlined above depending on the type of content purchased. Sale and promotions prices are not carried over for re-downloading content you have lost after the initial 30 days have passed. 
  • If you need to regain access and download content you have lost. Please contact us here to start the process.

Available Content Terms and Conditions

The content available to download from this website is subject to the following terms and conditions.

  • Content can be withdrawn from sale without prior notice or warning.
  • We have agreements in place with guests where they can request the removal of their content if circumstances arise and while we will try to give warning before we remove content, we may be unable to do so. This policy is in place to maintain good relations with our guests and to look after their best interests while working with us.Β 
  • Refund Policy: If youΒ changeΒ your mind and you used the automatic download option when ordering we will check if the download has been downloaded. If the order has been marked as “expired” on our system then thisΒ means you haveΒ downloadedΒ the fileΒ (or at least have clicked the download link) and we will not be able to refund yourΒ purchase. We can refund purchases using theΒ automatic download method if you haven’t downloaded (or clickedΒ the download link) the file and theΒ status on our systems shows the file as still active (not accessed). We will send youΒ evidence from ourΒ systems showing the status of your download when dealing with your refund request.
  • ForΒ manualΒ downloads, we can cancel and refund manual orders ONLY if they have not already been processed and sent to you. If you request a refund after we have sent you your download then your request for a refund will be denied as you will have been given access to the file.
  • We have data from our delivery system that acts as proof of delivery and will send it to our payment processor in the event of any customer complaints made to our payment processor. Digital files are not treated the same as physical items due to the nature of the product.Β 
  • Content you download from this website is under copyright. Customers are strictly forbidden to re-post, share and edit content in any shape or form including, but not limited to, posting material on other websites, broadcast on TV, Β postings on online blogs and social media or via any other mediaΒ platforms not controlled or owned by us. Users who are found to be breaking our copyright will be banned from this website and we will start legal proceedings with our legalΒ representatives, HARGREEVES LEGAL LTD.
  • We monitor internet traffic to our website via IP address tracking as lined out in our privacy policy. We can and will block IP address we identify breaching our terms and conditions and block your site account from accessing our site andΒ preventΒ you from creating a new account. Please see our site accountΒ terms and conditions below for moreΒ information relating to siteΒ accounts.Β 
  • Β We reserveΒ theΒ right to change the price of our content at any time without prior notice or reason.
  • Tax Status: We are fullyΒ compliantΒ with UK andΒ international tax regulations. ByΒ agreeing to our terms and conditions you agree that we may contact you to establish your location for taxΒ purposes. For example, we may need toΒ confirm you reside in the EU for EUΒ digital VAT, but this may also apply to otherΒ territories now and into the future. AnyΒ communication between you and us regarding your tax status will beΒ subject to our privacy policy.Β 
  • We do not share what products you have purchased from us with any outside party as outlined in our privacy policy.Β 

Terms and Conditions Promotions

To ensure that we are fully compliant with UK advertising standards we will ensure and enforce the following regarding our special offers, promotions and sales.Β 

  • The advertised end dates for sales, promotions and special offers are final and WILL NOT be extended from their original advertised end dates.
  • Any listedΒ promotionΒ or sale event can be ended earlier than announced and we do not need to give a reason for this.
  • Products featured in special offers, sales and promotions may appear again in future promotions, sales and special offers but current promotions in which products feature will not be extended beyond their advertised end dates.

Terms and Conditions Pre-Shoot Orders

If you are placing an order for one of our “Pre-shoot” specials, please note that the following terms and conditions apply.

  • Users who order a “pre-shoot” before the advertised close date will pay a lower price than other users and also have access to view the “pre-shoot” special before everyone else.
  • Pre-shoot content may be featured in sales andΒ promotionsΒ butΒ only after general release.
  • Some pre-shoot offers will have different promotions. For example, we may offer 2 for 1 offers on some of our pre-shoot orders. You will know what offer and promotion you are entering into via the description on the page you originally ordered from.Β 
  • Users who order a “pre-shoot” special will usually receive their download the same day or a day after the advertised shoot date. Please refer to the page from which you ordered from for up to date release date information for users who order a “pre-shoot” special. Delivery of any pre-shoot offer may be delayed due toΒ circumstances out of our control, for example weΒ experience server or internet outages. We will do our best to communicate any delays and customers areΒ reminded that they can contact us at anytime via the contact us page for updates.Β 
  • Date Changes: Shoot dates listed are subject to change and while every effort will be made to stick to scheduled shooting dates, delays are possible. We aim to get any postponed shoot rescheduled as soon as possible. If we are unable to reschedule a shoot within 6 months of the original shooting date compensation will be offered to customers.
  • If we are unable to shoot with an advertised participant we will find a replacement. Any changes will be made on the shoot delay notices page.Β 
  • We will only attempt to reschedule a delayed shoot a maximum of two times before we consider a shoot cancelled.Β 
  • Cancelled Shoots: Sometimes shoots can be cancelled. If we cancel a shoot we will post a noticeΒ on the shoot delay / cancellation update page (accessed from the updates / news page). Customers are then directed to contact us directly and select the various compensation offers open to them.Β 
  • Releases that are advertised as pre-shoot specials can be made available to everyone to download and view after at least one month after the download has been dispatched to users who ordered the “pre-shoot” special.Β 
  • There is no guarantee that any “pre-shoot” video will be made available to all users after a set period of time and we reserve the right to never release a “pre-shoot” video to all users.

Gunge Tank Vote Participation Terms And Conditions

If you are participating in A Gunge Tank Vote, please note that the following terms and conditions apply.

  • When you cast a vote for a participant in The Gunge Tank Vote you are actually ordering the results video. Your order is also acts a vote for your chosen participant depending on which vote button was used to order the results video. You are not paying to vote, you are paying for the results video in which participants appear. Which button you use to order the vote video decides the outcome of the results. 
  • Users who participate in a Gunge Tank vote before the advertised close date will usually receive the download of the results video the same day or a day after a shoot takes place but this can and does vary. Dates are listed on active Gunge Tank Vote pages.
  • Delivery dates for Gunge Tank Votes may be the subject of delays out of our control. For example, we may experience server or internet issues beyond our control. We will do our best to communicate any delays if and when they arise. Customers are reminded that they can contact us anytime via the contact us page for an update if you have any questions. 
  • Date Changes: Shoot dates listed are subject to change and while every effort will be made to stick to scheduled shooting dates, delays are possible. We aim to get any postponed shoot rescheduled as soon as possible. If we are unable to reschedule a shoot within 6 months of the original shooting date compensation will be offered to customers.
  • We will only attempt to reschedule a delayed shoot a maximum of two times before we consider a shoot cancelled. 
  • Cancelled Shoots: Sometimes shoots can be cancelled. If we cancel a shoot we will post a notice on the shoot delay / cancellation update page (accessed from the updates / news page). Customers are then directed to contact us directly and select the various compensation offers open to them. 
  • If we are unable to shoot with an advertised participant we will find a replacement. Any changes will be made on the shoot delay notices page. 
  • There is no guarantee that any results video will be made available to all users after a set period of time and we reserve the right to never release a results video to all users. 
  • The price of Gunge Tank votes, when released for all users to purchase, will be priced higher than the price users who participated in a Gunge Tank vote paid before the advertised close date. 
  • Gunge Tank Vote video results may be featured in promotions and sale events only after general release. 

Site Account Terms and Conditions

Please read our terms and conditions relating to your site account. Failure to comply with any of the following terms and conditions will result in your account being suspended and you will not have access to this website. 

  • You agree that your site account is only used by yourself. We do not allow people to share accounts. We regularly check site accounts to check that you are only using the account. If we have any doubts we will suspend your account without any prior warning. We do not need to give you notice or warning nor inform you why we may have suspended your account.
  • You need to have access to the email address used to create your account to activate it otherwise it will be pending. Pending accounts will be deleted from our systems. Please complete sign up as soon as possible to avoid your account being deleted. 
  • We have the right to delete your account at any time for any purpose without telling you the reason for doing so.
  • It is your responsibility to keep your account secure with a password only you remember. We do not have access to passwords used for any account. If you have forgotten your password, please see my account for details on how to change your password.
  • If you have added a Splat! Fan Club pass to your account you agree that your fan club pass is valid for one month from the day you purchased a fan club pass. Fan Club passes do not automatically renew. You will need to actively renew any Fan Club pass after it has expired by purchasing a new Fan Club pass. 
  • Any account with a Fan Club pass will return to a free account after a Fan Club pass expires. 
  • Any blocked and suspended accounts will remain blocked and suspended. If you try to create a new account we will be notified and we will continue to block all new accounts you create. 
  • All blocked accounts will remain on our systems and will not be removed. You will not have access to these accounts or use them to log into our website.
  • If you feel we have blocked or restricted your account by mistake, you can appeal our decision by contacting us here. If we find you have good grounds to challenge our decision we will reply and inform you. If you don’t hear back from us then your account will continue to remain suspended and blocked. 
  • If you have an active Fan Club pass on your account when we suspended or block your account we will refund any remaining days left on your account after closing your account. This will be refunded to via the payment method you used to purchase a Fan Club pass. 

Splat! Fan Club And Fan Club Pass Terms and Conditions

The Splat! Fan Club is our subscription service with a monthly fee. Please see our terms and conditions relating to The Splat! Fan Club and Splat! Fan Club Passes below. 

  • A Splat! Fan Club pass will allow you to view both Fan Clubs on the website. The Splat! Show Fan Club and The Splatette! Fan Club.
  • Your Fan Club Pass is liked to your site account and lasts one month from the date you purchase a Splat! Fan Club Pass.
  • Do not share your site account with a Fan Club pass added with other users. We regularly monitor site accounts and if we find this is happening we will ban your site account and you will not get a refund for any Fan Club Pass. 
  • Your site account should automatically upgrade so you can view The Splat! and Splatette! Fan Club after you purchase a Splat! Fan Club Pass. Please contact us if your account does not automatically upgrade after purchase. 
  • You can view the status of your account by going to the “My Splat! Account” page after you have logged in. It will have Free Splatter listed for non Fan Club Pass holders and Fan Club Member for accounts with a Fan Club Pass added. 
  • Your Fan Club Pass will not automatically renew and you will not be charged again after it expires. You must actively purchase another Splat! Fan Club Pass if you wish to access The Splat! or Splatette! Fan Clubs after a Splat! Fan Club Pass expires. 
  •  You can view the majority of the content on both Splat! Fan Clubs with your Fan Club pass without no extra charge. Some content you are able to stream and some you can download with your Fan Club pass. Please see the list of content available on both Fan Clubs via the Fan Club pages.
  • A Fan Club Pass does not mean you can access all Splat! Show material. A Fan Club allows you view all content on The Splat! Show Fan Club or and access early access content.  
  • Some content may require an extra charge. These are limited to early access content or exclusive content available to Splat! Fan Club Pass holders. Any extra charge requests are clearly stated on the site. 

Charity Events Terms and Conditions

We sometimes support various charities through special events and or releases. We will either donate a set amount to a charity or a % of total sales raised during these events. The following terms and conditions apply to all our charity events produced after 2014.

  • During a charity event we will clearly state the terms on how money will be raised. This will be posted on the main page for all charity events and releases.
  • All money raised during charity events and releases will be donated to said charity at the end of our business year and not at the end of the event.
  • All charity events that have taken place since our management change (from 2014) will haveΒ transparencyΒ reports completed and posted on this page at the end of the financial year in which they take place. These reports will show how much was raised, by what methods and proof of completed payment to the said charity.Β 


Here you will find our charityΒ event transparency reports. Here you can see proof of payments to chosen charities. We hold charity events or special charity Splat! Show releases.Β 

Geroge Fensom - Gunge Justice

All revenue raised (not just profit) from George Fensom – Gunge Justice will be donated to Women’s Aid UK and StoneWall UK. There is no end date for when this will end and revenue raised will be donated on a yearly basis as long as it continues to raise revenue. 

First payment will be completed by July 10th 2025. Please check back then for the first proof of payment. 

Red Nose Day 2021 Proof Of Payment: March 19th 2021

Red Nose Day (Comic Relief) 2021 Event: Money raised up to March 19th from 30% Net Sales Β£79.74 (rounded up to Β£80.00). Another donation will be made from sales after our Red Nose Day 2021 Hub Closes.

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