Viewer Reviews and Feedback

Viewer Reviews

Viewer Reviews and Feedback

We sometimes receive messages from our fans (via email, we don’t read or check our social media messages) about what The Splat! Show means to them. Here you will find a selection of positive feedback we have received from our fans and viewers.Β 

We are only posting positive feedback here as we generally only receive constructive criticism which we then consider and act upon. We almost never get horrible or outright negative feedback sent to us.

All messages are kept on file and secure forΒ verificationΒ purposes.Β 


There is no real purpose to this e-mail other than that I really wanted to let you know that I’ve been a huge fan of the show since the early days, and it’s been amazing to watch how you continue to innovate and create awesome shows with each and every year. In my opinion, SplatHQ has really set the standard for WAM shows on the internet, and even though there are many alternatives nowadays, I feel like you’re still the absolute best when it comes to quality.
Some of my favorite shows from the past years include the one with Pretty Boy Karma, P.T. Steve, Damn! Daniel (I secretly hope you’ll get Daniel back for a returner show haha), Mighty Mitchell and of course your most recent one, Splat My Husband, which is probably my favorite in recent years.
Peter was absolutely amazing in the tank, and his third gunging is probably up there with my favorite Splat HQ! gungings of all time. Hope you’ll be able to get him to return at some point in the future!
Anyway, I hope you’ll continue to create more content for years to come. You’re the best!
Best regards,
Dan from the Netherlands (ooh, international!)

All messages are kept on file and secure forΒ verificationΒ purposes.Β 

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